Enhancing your Reading Experience

I love learning, but I had to become aware of my primary learning style. I’ve always appreciated reading books however I often found it hard work sitting down and trying to read books cover to cover so I looked at some alternative options to improve the experience



I like using audiobooks, I can simply do this anytime I’m in the car, doing those necessary but uninspiring tasks around the house. This was a great way to accelerate my knowledge, I can then choose to focus on a specific area of research if something resonates with me.

There are many options today for Audiobooks and also options for using Audio even if the book or text does not come in audio format.


Microsoft Edge Browser:

The Edge Browser comes with surprisingly good natural voice that is directly built in and can be used with quite a number of websites

You can use the voice functionality with both the existing web page or you can use the immersive reader that is built in to make the text feel more like a book.

Immersive Reader and Read aloud

Google Play Books:

  1. If you haven’t already, turn on TalkBack.
  2. Open Play Books Play Books.
    1. If you already have the book, find it in the “Library” or “Home” screens.
    2. If you don’t have the book, search for it at the top of the “Home” screen, then pick a result and download the book.
  3. Open the book.
  4. Tap the screen, then double-tap to enter skim mode.
  5. Select More More and then Read aloud.
    • To move through the text on a page, swipe.
    • To flip pages, two-finger swipe left or right.


These 2 options have significantly enhanced my ability to immerse myself in books to read at an incredible speed.

Digital Books

One of the reasons I love digital books is that I can highlight and make notes in the book and I can then reference them at a later date. This is great especially is something resonates with you.

I hope these tips help you