Recognise the Need for Growth and Change

I’ve always wondered what makes people change job in a relatively small period of time and why the change involves taking a similar role at a different company?

This was something I also have participated in during my technology career for various reasons which include the following:

  • Opportunity

Sometimes the opportunity being offered does not meet your expectations

  • People

People dynamics and working relationships are a key part of being successful. It is very hard to be successful without the contributions of others. When the chemistry between people and teams is toxic it often ends with a few casualties with short term retention of staff.

  • Politics

Conflicting interests within departments or an organization can quickly create silos and a lack of co-operation.

  • Reward & Recognition

One of our most basic requirements in the workplace is to be valued, recognised and rewarded according to our efforts and accomplishments. Sometimes, our ego can get in the way of these basic needs where we seek the need for ‘significance’

  • Burnout

Burnout is not uncommon and sometimes we need to change something in order to regain balance and perspective about our life. Job or role changes do not necessarily mean the grass is greener on the other side so take time to pause and reflect and make a rational decision about your future

  • Status

More people today have some integration with social media, and this creates a level of peer pressure to appear more virtuous, driven and successful. This is often a false reality and is misunderstood about what it means to be fulfilled in life.

  • Personal Growth

It is a natural part of life to grow and sometimes we outgrow a role, job or association with an organisation or even people. This can feel uncomfortable especially if we are not consciously aware of the change that is happening.

I became more consciously aware of my own actions when I started seeing similar patterns on social media platforms like LinkedIn. I observed many people changing the company frequently for the same job roles and I often considered the following things:

  • Is this person truly fulfilled with what they are doing?
  • Is the pursuit of the job opportunity more exciting than the actual job?
  • Is the person chasing status?
  • Is this person seeking approval from who they perceive their peers to be?


When we feel like we are ‘stuck’ or are no longer fulfilled we need to look at how to evolve and re-invent ourselves to regain a sense of meaning or purpose in our lives. We need to take control of this process and do something to reshape the landscape of our life.

It is often visible to observe people in the workplace who no longer motivated by their work, lack passion or have natural energy. People often become frustrated in their working environment and have a range of emotions that they may not fully understand and become unresourceful.

There is nothing wrong with this, this can be for many a natural occurrence in life based on your life stage and circumstances. The key point is to recognize the emotions we experience as a call to action. The emotion is telling us something if we listen carefully.

Instead of getting frustrated by the working environment and feeling that it controls you, take some action by asking yourself some empowering questions:

  1. What type of work would give me meaning and purpose?
  2. What decisions could I make that can reshape my life?
  3. In my existing role, can I make contributions to the success of others?
  4. What emotions do I experience and why?
  5. What is holding me back making a change?

When we take action to change ourselves everything, we experience also changes based on the decisions we make.

I have added some resources below:


The Status Game – Will Storr

Selfie – Will Storr


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